Storyline: Nagai sanpo 2006 Matsutaro Yasuda, a retired girls High School Principal who has lost his wife to alcoholism and is forsaken by his Daughter, moves to an old apartment in a country town Yasuda, at his new address, meets a little five years old girl who lives next door Sachi, the little girl, clenches on an iron fence at the apartment All alone, she is gazing into the distance Angels wings made of cardboard are on her back She is barefoot and wears a summer dress in spite of it being winter On her leg there are scratches and bruises Yasuda speaks to Sachi but she does not smile or say a word When night falls, violent voices can be heard from next door to the mother and her lover echoing in Yasudas room almost every night Yasuda blocked out his emotions He didnt want to hear or see anything However, little by little something moved his emotions we can call it passion When he looked into the little girls eyes, which are also lacking in emotion, something seemed to overlap his wounded heart Have you ever seen a blue sky Where clouds appear like cotton candy and a white bird is flying high Would you like to walk with me Yasuda and Sachi begin their long walk During their walk, the two meet a young boy named Wataru at a small desolate train station Wataru seems to be easygoing However, he is also lonely and holds an empty feeling in his heart The passing Wataru joins the two on their journey but the trip goes in an unexpected direction when one day Sachi begins to open her heart to Yasuda and Wataru Cardboard Angel wings begin to fly toward a real sky
Kraven the Hunter (2 HD - 5.5 |
Mufasa The Lion King CAM - N/A |
Red One (2024) HD - 6.8 |
Gladiator II (2024) HD-HC - 7.1 |
Homestead (2024) CAM - N/A |
Anora (2024) HD - 8.2 |
Venom The Last Dance HD - 6.1 |
The Brutalist (2024) CAM - 8.1 |
Moana 2 (2024) CAM - N/A |
Carry On (2024) HD - N/A |
Terrifier 3 (2024) HD - 7.4 |
Heretic (2024) HD - 7.1 |
Solo Leveling ReAwak TS - 8.4 |
Wicked (2024) CAM - N/A |
Trapped Inn (2024) HD - 7.5 |
Moana 2 (2024) CAM - N/A |
Wicked (2024) CAM - N/A |
Gladiator II (2024) HD-HC - 7.1 |
Red One (2024) HD - 6.8 |
Venom The Last Dance HD - 6.1 |
Boss Maam (2024) HD - N/A |
Elevation (2024) HD - N/A |
Kabitan (2024) HD - N/A |
Kraven the Hunter (2 HD - 5.5 |
Smile 2 (2024) HD - 6.9 |
Armor (2024) HD - 3.6 |
Heretic (2024) HD - 7.1 |
Dear Santa (2024) HD - 5.3 |
Absolution (2024) HD - N/A |
Despicable Me 4 (202 HD - 6.4 |
Moana 2 (2024) CAM - N/A |
Venom The Last Dance HD - 6.1 |
Red One (2024) HD - 6.8 |
Gladiator II (2024) HD-HC - 7.1 |
Wicked (2024) CAM - N/A |
Smile 2 (2024) HD - 6.9 |
Your Mothers Son (20 HD - N/A |
Boss Maam (2024) HD - N/A |
Ungol (2024) HD - N/A |
Elevation (2024) HD - N/A |
Terrifier 3 (2024) HD - 7.4 |
The Substance (2024) HD - 7.8 |
The Wild Robot (2024 HD - 8.2 |
Donselya (2024) HD - N/A |
Deadpool Wolverine ( HD - 7.9 |